Friday, March 16, 2012

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 6 (pg. 113-115)

Summary: In Scotland, Lennox and a lord start talking about how weird it is that Duncan is killed and his two runaway sons are blamed, and how later the same thing happens with Banquo. People are starting to suspect of Macbeth, seeing as he was the one that had the most to win. They state that Macduff joined Malcolm, and both of them are currently talking with King Edward to try and convince him to fight for their cause.

People finally realized how much Macbeth had won from these two murders, and suspicions slowly started to emerge. The fair amount of coincidences between both cases was a dead giveaway, yet the events of this scene inform us of the oncoming war.

“Men must not walk too late.” –Lennox (pg. 113)

“But peace. For from broad words, and ‘cause he failed his presence at tyrant’s feast.” –Lennox (pg. 115)

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