Friday, March 16, 2012

Macbeth Act 3 Scene 3 (pg. 95-97)

Summary: The two murderers sent by Macbeth are joined by a third one, who claims to have been sent by Macbeth. Banquo and Fleance come nearer. The murderers attack and succeed in killing Banquo, without him first telling his son to take revenge for his murder. Fleance escapes in a moment of darkness. The murderers go back to the castle to report the events.

I find it interesting how Banquo’s dying wish is for his son to seek revenge over his death. One would imagine that more important things are going through your mind seconds before perishing, but this was not the case. By this turn of events, the reader can predict that Fleance will be the one that goes after Macbeth, knowing that he could actually beat him and take his throne and power, so kindly given to him by the deeds of the Weïrd sisters.

“Then stand with us. – the west yet glimmers with some streaks of day.” –First Murderer (pg. 97)

“Thou mayst revenge – o slave!” –Banquo (pg. 97)

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